
Robotic Arm Trainer Kit

Now you can manipulate the world roboticly with one of our robot arm kits. Control your robotic arm remotely or add some intelligence by connecting it to you computer. You can even add the arm to your own mobile base - these kits make it easy!
The Robotic Arm Trainer teaches basic robotic sensing and motion principles, and tests your motor skills as you build and control the arm. You can command this unit with its five-switch wired controller with corresponding lights to grab, release, lift, lower, rotate wrist, and pivot sideways 350 degrees. You can observe the dynamics of gear mechanisms through the transparent body. Five motors and five joints allow flexibility and fun! For educators, home schoolers and hobbyists.

The optional computer interface allows for dual (computer and manual) control of Robotic Arm Trainer. It features programming, saving, editing, and downloading capabilities using your USB port. Operating System: Windows XP or VISTA

Five Axes of motion: Right / Left 350 degrees; Shoulder 120 degrees; Elbow 135 degrees; Wrist rotate CW & CCW 340 degrees; Gripper Open & Close 2". Dimensions: 14" Max Length Outwards; 20" Max Height Upwards; Max Lifting Capability = 130g. No Soldering Required.

Selected by The Institute For Childhood Resources as one of the "100 Best Children's Products"!


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